Jean-François Rauzier was invited by Paris Aéroport to take over the new Terminal 1 at Roissy Charles de Gaulle airport, from winter 2022. Now on view are  54 sequences from his monumental Ballade de Paris series.


"Walk around the city. Photograph its streets, avenues, buildings, storefronts, balconies, signs, street furniture, passers-by, restaurant menus, newspapers. Seek out what is happening behind its windows, its doors, its courtyards, at the end of the corridors, at the end of the dead ends. Witness what we have seen, what this city is, imagine what it could be. Finally, to bring together the pieces of this puzzle in a multi-work, immense, ideal, dreamed. Remembering, recomposing and re-enchanting A monumental fresco - 22 km of hyperphotography. " - Jean-Francois RAUZIER


The ballads of Jean-François RAUZIER were born like those obsessive tunes that monopolize our minds and know neither beginning nor end. His large iconic formats no longer satisfy the artist that he extends, seeks and pushes the space, frantically adding many details that cannot support the restriction of the frames. Hyperphotographer, architectonic, retro-futurist… But also muralist, fresco artist, street artist. The RAUZIER movement knows no limits, it is as eager for imaginary surfaces as its anthropic universes absorb us. Tracking of lives or short heterotopic films, the ballad is epic… The artist exults according to his ballads, our secret dreams of eternity, freedom and infinity. Here, Paris hybridizes insolently.


Text by Nina SALES